I created this log to capture many things, from software development, to racing, to random musings. Please enjoy!


I reserve the right to post a post that is a post of nothing. Everything here is a seed. Be forewarned, this is a living document. I not only post here, but I also sandbox several things here:

Literate Programming

Ideas are expressed in common character form Expression of ideas and implementation of those ideas, from scratch to full-fledged application can actually live on a simple webpage… ?

Let’s try the simplest form of this:

  • Some basic ruby code inside of an org src block

      #+begin_src ruby :exports code :eval no
        greeting = "hello!"
  • And it’s evaluation

      #+begin_src ruby :noweb yes :exports results :var greeting=greeting-run
  • …all within a single document

And it was literally (pun intended) published from emacs org-mode to jekyll-styled markdown, hosted on github pages.

Stay tuned for more fun features like tangling code out from a document to respective code files with a single key chord. ;)

    The :class attribute does not seem to apply to lists.

    However, you can wrap your list in a custom div this way:

    1. One
    2. Two
    This will produce the following HTML:

    <div class="pepe">
     <ol class="org-ol">
    So you can use a CSS selector for that list such as div.pepe ol.